St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

We Know How to Keep Our Teeth Healthy!

Reception have been learning about how to keep their teeth nice and healthy! We have learnt about all the different ways in which we can look after our teeth, such as brushing them twice a day for 2 minutes and the foods and drinks that are good and not to so good for our teeth!

Here is what we have learnt to do to keep our teeth nice and healthy…

In class we have been getting busy with a variety of activities and having a go at brushing the model teeth!

And it didn’t stop there! The reception children used what they had learnt to write about how they keep their teeth healthy and we then made a fabulous display to show off their amazing writing!!

How to Promote Healthy Teeth?

Now that your child is at school they will be discovering new foods and drinks, so you will need to think about reducing the impact of sugar on their teeth to prevent tooth decay, as well as encouraging toothbrushing.

All the children were given a new toothbrush for them to take home and use. They were so happy and I am sure they have been very excited to tell you all about what they have learnt in keeping their teeth nice and healthy!

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