St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Let’s keep going green!

The world wide disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in many effects on the environment and climate. The global reduction in human activities, such as the considerable decline in planned travel, has caused a large drop in air pollution and water pollution. In China, lockdown and other measures resulted in a 25% reduction in carbon emissions and a 50% reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions.

However, the pandemic has also provided cover for illegal activities such as deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and illegal hunting in Africa.

Now that we are navigating our way out of the pandemic, we want to make sure that we shift our focus back to environmental issues at St Michael’s. We will share more blogs and in the year to come, the children will have many opportunities to play a part in us becoming a greener school, so watch this space!

Let us look after our world, because as they say – we only have one planet. There is no back up plan! Let’s protect what we have.

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