St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

kingswood school journey 2019

Year 6 set off, happy and excited and ready to begin the long awaited residential trip to Kingswood activity centre on Sunday 4th November 2019.

They arrived a few hours later, still happy and excited!

The days were packed with activities from start to an exhausting finish, including the first day. We found our rooms – made the beds – then straight away made a ‘Leap of Faith.’

After we had leapt and faced our fears, we had dinner together and free time in our rooms. But the night was still young – and the children were still excited! There was only one thing for it – Pool Party!

First night nearly over – and yes – the children were still excited so the bedtime routine was longer than anticipated. We ended each night with a time of reflection and prayer.

They are nowhere near tired!

Day two was a full one. After a hearty breakfast we set off for Aerial Runway, Obstacle Course and Laser Tag- this was all before lunch!

At this point, the teachers were happy to have a minute to sit down for lunch. It was a chance to gather our strength before the next activity, Nightline.

Nightline – yes, an activity at night. Well, not exactly night but the children had on blindfolds so it seemed very dark. They had to travel in a line giving instructions to travel safely through the obstacles (and the mud). Let the pictures tell the story!

You would think that was it for the night – absolutely not! After a much needed shower and dinner all together, we had a brilliant campfire activity with songs and marshmallows. Ms Aldridge was in her element!

Day three – our last full day. Today the children are still excited, but just a little more tired. Today’s activities are Aeroball (that is trampolining and basketball all rolled up into one fun activity) and Abseiling.

Archery and Buggy Build were after lunch. Buggy Build is a brilliant activity involving teamwork skills to create a buggy using ropes and planks to transport you across a field, a muddy field! They had to learn different types of rope knot to start.

Our final night at Kingswood – the Disco night!

Our final day at Kingswood. It has been fun and has certainly built this group even closer together as a team. They have cheered each other on, encouraged each other to face their fears and celebrated the successes. Today is about Shelter Building – that is survival skills – then our final activity, Mrs Johnson’s personal favourite – The 3G Swing.

Now we return home. Well done Year 6 for a successful school journey. We laughed, we shouted and screamed encouragement – and we stood outside when the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night by mistake in our dormitory block. But most of all, we had a GREAT time.

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