St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Year 4 – Shaking things up at the Natural History Museum!

Year 4 set off on an unforgettable adventure to the Natural History Museum in London! From the moment we boarded the train and navigated the busy tube, the children showed incredible responsibility and enthusiasm, making us all very proud.

Our first stop was the Restless Surface: Volcanoes and Earthquakes exhibit, which linked perfectly to our learning on Pompeii. Here, we stepped into a simulation room that recreated what it would feel like to experience a real earthquake. The ground shook beneath us as we imagined what it must have been like for the people of Pompeii all those years ago.

Next, we attended the Emergency! Earthquakes and Volcanoes show, where we learned even more about these powerful natural disasters. A highlight of the show was when two of our classmates were invited on stage to create a measurable earthquake on the Richter scaleā€”an exciting moment for everyone!

After lunch, we explored the famous Dinosaurs exhibit, where we saw life-sized fossils and even a roaring T-Rex! The Creepy Crawlies section gave us a close-up look at fascinating insects and spiders, and the Mammals exhibit amazed us with giant whales and other incredible creatures.

It was a fantastic day filled with fun and learning, and we were so impressed with how well Year 4 represented our school. Well done, everyone!

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