Reception and Year 3
Forest School is an ideal way to create calm outdoor learning opportunities in which the children can explore all that nature has to offer.
At St Michael’s, classes will have an opportunity to experience Forest School over the academic year, this term it is the turn of Reception and Year 3.
Reception have read the Colour Monster in class. This text allows the children to explore different feelings, linked to colour, and make connections to what makes them feel that way. Forest school has built on this and the children have created their own ‘forest school’ colour monsters.
Another activity for Reception class was to make a body from leaves. You have to look carefully and teamwork is a must!
Year 3 are using knives and palm drills to make bramble brackets. After the safety talk – the children have to be two arm lengths and a tool away from each other – they worked carefully to achieve the results.
Year 3 continued their use of palm drills to make woodland necklaces and autumn wreaths with clay.
Reception class had great joy making their own ‘pet leaves’, whilst year 3 enjoyed toasting marshmallows and sugar apples. This was a great learning experience as the children were observing the safe space which was laid out with sticks and they carried out the activity kneeling in the respect position to maintain safety throughout.
Watch this space for updates to the Forest School fun.