St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Together – we are strong!

Our value this half term is ‘hope’ and we have certainly started the term needing to have hope in trying times. As always, the St Michael’s school community and our amazing families have been carrying on and keeping the learning going. Our children have got straight back into the swing of school life in a different way.

The thing that always amazes us as staff, is how happy and resilient the children are. They really do sum up this feeling of hope for us. Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes.

Children have been sharing what ‘hope’ means to them. Some have designed posters at home and have uploaded them to their ClassDojo portfolios; others wrote their thoughts about hope.

Please see ‘hope’ as explained by the children of St Michael’s.

The word Phoenix comes from the ancient Greek word which represents a firebird having its origins in many mythologies… This is symbolic rebirth, HOPE, renewal, progress and eternity. Hope has always been a strong component in all of our lives. Let’s look at  an example from this current situation (COVID-19) :
The coronavirus pandemic πŸ˜· is unlike anything we have seen in our lifetime. The virus πŸ¦  with an unbelievable speed has spread to every continent on  EARTH πŸŒ
I hope πŸ€ž that we will find a solution for this pandemic, for example in the  form of a vaccine πŸ’‰ to COVID19 and we will return to our normal schedule where we can roam around freely and not wear a mask πŸ˜· and not keep 6  feet away. πŸŽ†πŸŒ πŸ˜·πŸ¦ πŸ’‰πŸ€žπŸŒ

To me, hope is when you are ambitious about something, like you want to win a game or get the job you have always wanted.

Hope means to me that don’t give up and if somebody thinks you can’t do it, but you don’t give up.

For me, hope means anything is possible.

Hope (the blue winter will go and the rainbow will come, so there is a rainbow path).

We shared this clip in assembly as it is a message of resilience and hope, a message that we all need right now – a message to remember.

We remain hopeful and continue to say, ‘Together we are strong’ and ‘this too shall pass.’

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