For the first time our lovely reception children have been faced with the ultimate challenge of learning from home and school at the same time.
Our children have been very creative and with the help of their families have managed to continue to delve into a range of learning opportunities in such creative ways.
In this blog we go on a little journey around the homes of our children who are at home and take look at some of the amazing learning and the activities that children have been engaged in.
We have been learning the story of The Little Red Hen, have acted out, written, retold the story and have created some innovative endings.
We have been learning about the season of winter and have had fun role playing and getting dressed up to support our understanding of what humans need to survive in the warmest and the coldest months of the year.
and the learning goes on…
making a treasure map maths in action! writing sentences
and on.. and on..
at the beach creative baking bread for the
Little Red Hen
Keep up the good learning and just so you know we love you lots and lots and jelly tots and we really do miss you all in school.
We are looking forward to when we can all be together again.