St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

The Magic of New Beginnings

To mark Reception’s transition into Year 1, the children have been looking after one of God’s many beautiful creations – caterpillars. They have been observing them grow, change and flourish into beautiful butterflies – just like we have been watching and observing the flourishing of the beautiful reception class!

Spreading their wings…

After some time, the children experienced the amazing transformation of our caterpillars blossoming into beautiful butterflies. And just how God intended, they were released into the world to start their journey all over again. This reminded us that for us too ” if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

As we released the butterflies into the world, the children used this time to reflect and say a prayer…

Please God, make the butterflies safe for today and protect them always. Amen

Fransianna’s Prayer

Reception are off to spread their wings too!

The butterflies are not the only ones who are off to new beginnings – our wonderful Reception children will be spreading their own wings and flying proudly into Year 1. It has been wonderful to see them learn, grow and flourish into the amazing children they are.

Our Graduation Song…

This year’s gone by a little faster, I’m feeling a little bit smarter,
I think I’m a little bit taller,
My shoes feel a little bit smaller.
Look at all, the friends I’ve made, These memories will never fade.
I am proud of me and all that I can be, Watch and you will see.
I’m on my way – I’m kinder and smarter,
I’m on my way – I’m braver and stronger,
I’m on my way – watch me be the best that I can be. (I’m on my way!)
My brain is a little bit stronger, My hair is a little bit longer,
My teacher’s a little bit prouder, My heart beats a little bit louder.
Look at all, the friends I’ve made, These memories will never fade.
I am proud of me and all that I can be, Watch and you will see.
I’m on my way – I’m kinder and smarter,
I’m on my way – I’m braver and stronger,
I’m on my way – watch me be the best that I can be. (I’m on my way!)

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6)

Here’s to our Graduates…

We wish all of the children the very best on their journey into Year 1. Thank you for the love, laughs and memories!

CLASS OF 2024!

We did it!!! Year 1 Here We Come!!!

Dear Lord, bless their journey with abundance and success. May their new beginnings be filled with your favour and prosperity. Guide them as they step into a future filled with Your blessings. We trust in your provision and know that with you, all things are possible.


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