St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Surfing Fun Continues

After an evening of playing, the children have arisen to another day in Devon. They must still be a little tired, as some did not wake up until after 7.30am. Usual morning routine of breakfast and preparing their lunch. There was also some downtime and game playing before morning exercises. One of the children even helped the pro surfer plan what those exercises should be.

The children are suited up and heading back at the beach. A bonus is that it is getting brighter. They have found a slow worm and a hermit crab.

Today, we have had children standing on their surf boards and even burying their board in the sand. All of it equates to a fantastic time!

Lunch time views

After lunch theere was some more time to look at the beautiful Devon landscape…

…before souvenir shopping and ice-cream.

Pre dinner activities are football and the zip-wire.

It has been a busy day, but now time for dinner.

The evening entertainment starts with a quiz.

The children have had their awards ceremony and are now preparing for marshmallows and karaoke.

Th final night in Devon ended with karaoke. The children have had a full weekend – there were tears as some wanted to stay a little while longer.

Goodnight from the City Kids Surfing group, goodnight Devon – we have had a wonderful time.

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