St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

They’re off!

The sun came out in force to send our group of Year 5 children on their weekend away. They are on their way to Georgeham, North Devon for a surfing residential trip. This wonderful opportunity was in conjunction with City Kids Surfing.

Our school vision is for every child to live an abundant life, so experiences like this are very much in line with our vision. City Kids Surfing was born when it was realised that many city children were missing out on opportunities to learn to surf and fall in love with the ocean. Since then, we have had the opportunity to offer children the chance to participate in ocean discovery and surf adventure with City Kids Surfing. The latest adventure begins today.

The children and parents met at school first thing in the morning, and after some admin tasks – they were away.

Asleep, and they hadn’t even left London!

Not quite there, but they have stopped for lunch.

Back on the minibus. Can you see Stonehenge out of their window?

After driving for hours and hours, they have arrived and are not wasting a drop of the sunshine! The children went straight to the beach, got changed and jumped right in.

Let the fun begin!

On the way to their accomodation to shower, change and settle in.

The children have all had a chance to see their rooms and get settled, then it was time to eat. Everyone works together to get things done – we even had children going that extra mile to lay the table and serve the food.

They are fed and showered – now time to relax. It’s a full day tomorrow.


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