St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

The attraction of Purple

To raise money for the Bishop of Southwark’s Lent appeal, we usually wear purple and have fundraising activities around a purple theme. This Lent appeal is to raise money for community outreach here and abroad.

The Bishop-‘s Lent Call for 2024 is raising funds for projects that focus on peace with justice and resilience and well-being. More information is available on the website:

But why purple?

The colour reflects the church season, so that for instance in Advent purple is used, a colour of royalty because we are preparing to welcome the coming of a king. Purple is used again in Lent because it also symbolises suffering and pain.

The children were able to wear an item of purple to school in exchange or a donation, following which there was a cake sale held after school, which was reliant on the donations from our school community.

The cakes sold out very quickly; maybe next year we will have even more donations!

A story which a child had authored, being read to his class.

Thank you to everyone who donated money at the gate, who made or brought a cake to sell and those who came to buy a cake.

Thank you to the team from Friends of St Michael’s who helped to prepare the cake sale and sell the cakes.

We raised an amazing £285.41 for the Bishop’s Lent appeal. The children’s faith committee and a delegation of our pupil leaders will be travelling to Southwark Cathedral tomorrow to join the Bishops Lent Call thanksgiving service and hand in our school’s donation.

The next day, St Michael’s representatives did make that trip to Southwark Cathedral and were able to do a spot of sightseeing on the way.

Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream”

Amos 5:24

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