St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Who will help the Little Red Hen?

Reception of course!

After hearing how helpful the children in Reception are (unlike the Little Red Hen’s friends!), she wrote them a letter asking for their help…

And they did not hesitate to offer their help. In fact, they all said, “I will!”

The children really couldn’t wait to help make (and tuck in to!) jam sandwiches for the Little Red Hen who had kindly sent us all of the ingredients! They listened carefully to the instructions and followed all of the safety rules when using the knife to spread the butter and jam, and when cutting it.

The children got so good at making jam sandwiches, they were then able to write their own instructions!…

As the Reception children have been working hard on looking after themselves and others, the Little Red Hen sent us some of her eggs to look after… and what an experience it was!

The eggs were carefully placed in an incubator…

Over the next few days, the children waited and watched…

And then the magic began!

The chicks were put into their new home…

And the children were in awe watching and observing the magic of new life grow and develop before their very eyes! Once the chicks become a little stronger, the children were able to stroke them!

The chicks even had a sleep over at one of our families house for the weekend. The family had so much fun, as did the chicks! We are not only grateful to our family for taking such great care of our chicks, but we are delighted that we were able to offer and extend this experience beyond our school gates! It was a real family affair, and it was captured perfectly.

As part of this learning experience, the children were able to understand about the chick’s life cycle and have created some amazing pieces of writing to showcase what they learnt.

I think we can all agree that the opportunity of looking after the baby chicks has been a valuable educational and personal development experience. For this, we are blessed and grateful.

Hebrews 6:10: “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

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