St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Lest we forget

Remembrance Day is a day to remember all those who fought for their country, those who died and those who came home.

World War I ended on the 11th day, in the 11th month, at the 11th hour- Fighting ceased.

Remembrance Day was first held one year later, on November 11th. When King George V asked to observe a silence at 11am. He made the request so thoughts could be focused on the ‘reverent remembrance of the glorious dead.’

Poppies are seen as a symbol and worn on Remembrance Day – They are worn to remember those who have given their lives in battle because these were the flowers which grew on the battlefields after the First World War ended. John McCrae, a serving soldier in t WW1 who lost his life in the conflict, captured the imagery of the poppy fields in the famous poem, In Flanders Fields.

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