St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

It’s project time!

As part of home learning, we want the children to do a project at home that links to their Geography or History topic. This is a great opportunity for the children to take their learning beyond the school gate and making their learning memorable.

The deadline is the 5th December. Unfortunately it is unlikely that we will be able to host our traditional exhibition in the school hall, but we will make sure that the children have an opportunity to see each other’s projects. To parents, we will showcase the projects via our school blog.

Here is a summary of what the children will be expected to do:

Year 1

This term the topic is ‘We are Britain’ and in school we are learning about our local area and our country. The children should base their project in and around the local area.

Here are some ideas of what the children can do:

  • 3D map of your local area
  • Fact file of your local area and its history
  • 3D model of your favourite place in your local area
  • Any other ideas that are based around our topic are also welcome!

Year 2

The project is about rainforests. In class the children are learning about where the rainforests are in the world and about some of the animals and plants that are found in each layer of a rainforest.

We would like the children to find out more about the variety of species found in each of these 4 layers and to present their research using drawings, paintings, models, booklet, fact files or even powerpoints.

Year 3

Our topic for this term is Oceania and Extreme Earth.  The children must complete a project around this topic and present it to the class.   We welcome children using different sources of research to support them in completing their project; however, they will need to complete any written activities using their own words.  We would also love to see artwork, design, and technology inspired by this topic.

Year 4

Our topic for this term is Asia and the children’s projects must be based on this subject.  We want the children to make a special effort in the presentation of their work.  We welcome children using different sources of research to support them in completing their project; however they will need to complete any written activities using their own words. 

We would love to see artwork and design technology inspired by this topic too.  It would be great to see some robots around our room.

Year 5

The topic for the project is Africa and we want the children to choose any of the 54 countries, except Kenya, as that is the country we will study in more depth in class, to base their project on. The children will be expected to come and present their project to the class. We would like the projects to be original, informative and presented to a high standard, whether written, typed or Powerpoint.

Year 6

We want the children to complete a project about World War 1. This is an opportunity for the children to discover more about this period in history and to gain insight into the setting for the class text, Private Peaceful.  We would like the projects to be original, informative and presented to a high standard, whether written, typed or Powerpoint.

We hope you have lots of fun completing your project!

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