This week St Michael’s welcomed back Buddy, the mascot for the NSPCC Speak out. Stay safe safeguarding programme aimed at children aged 5-11 years old. Buddy is a friendly, green speech bubble who believes that children should be able to speak out to someone if they’re ever worried or unhappy.
The programme aims to help children understand:
- abuse in all its forms and how to recognise signs of abuse
- that abuse is never a child’s fault and that they have the right to be safe
- where to get help and the sources of help available to them, including our Childline service.
The children took part in assemblies targeted at their specific year group. With the help of Buddy the mascot, the children learnt that they have the right to:
- speak out and be heard
- be safe
- get help when they need it
The children were actively involved, answering questions and following the actions which helped them to reinforce their knowledge to Speak out. and Stay safe.
The children will continue to reinforce this message at school through follow up sessions in class.
Y5 and Y6 will have targeted sessions in May, further details will be sent.