Once again we had a wonderful turn out for our Spring 2 Stay and Play session. As always, the children loved sharing their classroom with the adults, especially showing off their independence, their amazing learning and fantastic tidy-up skills!
The children, and adults, should be so proud… I know we are!
As always, it is a pleasure having the parents and carers in to help create such wonderful, memorable experiences for our children. However, it is not just a memorable experience for the children, but for all who attend, just as our lovely testimonials suggest:
“We had a wonderful time today at the Stay & Play session. There were lots of creative and fun activities to engage with. In only half an hour, my son could practice writing, maths, painting and his fine motor skills – all through play! What an amazing time we’ve had!
Thank you, Ms Matthews and Mrs Brailey, for all your hard work with our kids. We know these fantastic learning opportunities happen as part of their routine because the kids know what they’re doing. It’s a testimony to your love and dedication to the children.”
Thank you again for being part our caring and supportive community and we look forward to welcoming you at our next stay and play session in the Summer term. Please look out for that next date via SchoolPing and please do book to avoid disappointment on the day. If you haven’t already downloaded the SchoolPing app, please do so to ensure that you receive all the latest and up to date information.