St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

A Visit from Bishop Karowei

Today, our church collective worship had a very special visitor. Bishop Karowei, the Bishop of Woolwich, attended our church service, alongside Deacon David and Rev Ifeanyi.

Bishop Karowei spoke to us all and used the story of Jesus’ disciples on a boat in the middle of a storm. During this rough storm, Jesus was fast asleep! He asked the children to describe how the disciples must have felt; thinking about them possibly having a real sense of uncertainty if they would survive. He used the feelings the children came up with to illustrate that we can trust God by giving Him all our fears, concerns and even our anger at situations we face, and he will help us to move on and progress.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the time with Bishop Karowei, some even requesting for him to return to school and our collective worship soon.

As well as sharing a story with the children, Bishop Karowei used the opportunity to commission Deacon David in his role as the school chaplain.

Thank you Bishop Karowei for visiting with us today, and on behalf of the staff and children of St Michael’s Primary School, as well as our Chair of Governors, you are warmly invited to visit us again.

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