Click on the ‘download’ link to download the pdf which outlines the reference guide for parents.Download
- Keep 1m+ away but preferably 2m away from other people when you are out of the house.
- Walk or cycle to school if you can – avoid public transport.
- Do not share cars with people outside your household
- Wear face coverings when required.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not your hands when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue straight away.
if your child has symptoms of covid 19
- Keep them at home for 10 days.
- Other household members to self isolate for 14 days.
- Request a COVID-19 test immediately. or call 119.
- Inform the school.
- Please do not panic other parents by sending whatsapp or social media messages. We will inform parents if a child has been tested positively.
if your child has a positive covid-19 test.
- Complete the 10-days isolation.
- Other house-hold members to isolate for 14 days.
- Inform the school.
- Share contacts with NHS Test and Trace.
IF NHS TEST AND TRACE tells you that your child is ‘a contact’
- Keep your child at home for 14 days.
- Inform the school.
- Self-isolate for at least 10 days from when your symptoms started.
- All household members need to isolate for 14 days (therefore children should not come to school).
- Please get tested as soon as possible.
- Inform the school.
final reminders
- Do not enter the school grounds unless you must come to the office. Only one visitor will be allowed in the building at at time
- Please wear a face mask when visiting the office.
- If you have a query, please use email or phone rather than coming into school.
- Please email absence notifications to the school where possible
- Do not crowd around the gates in the morning or after school. Please head home as soon as you have dropped off your child or collected your child.
- Maintain social distancing
- Do not listen to rumours about staff having or not having the virus. Rest assured that we will inform if one of our staff members has been tested positive.