St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Let’s work together!

The Pupil Ambassadors have been busy leading class assembly linked to our vision for every child to live an abundant life. They discussed with their classes the idea of collating a list of fifty things the children would like to have achieved before they leave primary school.  Suggestions given so far are:

  • Raise money for a charity
  • Speak in front of a large audience
  • Learn to play and instrument
  • Go on a residential trip
  • Go to the beach

During their next meeting they will be sharing all of the ideas gathered and begin to filter through the ideas.

We welcome to the team our newest and youngest Pupil Ambassadors from Year 2. They went through the vigorous process of writing and presenting their speeches then finally taking part in the election process. Well done to all of the candidates and congratulations to Renee-Marie and Olivia.

Year 2 Pupil Ambassadors

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