15th September is the seventh World Afro day. This date was chosen because in 2016, a law against dreadlocks in the workplace was passed in an Alabama court. The aim of World Afro Day is to educate about the importance of hair equality and inclusion of all hair types including Afro hair. It is a day to raise awareness with the children that they can be whatever they choose to be and their hair type does not change that!
We looked at different hair types.
In line with our school’s vision, for every child to live an abundant life, the children have thought about their futures and what they would like to achieve. We tell the children all the time to dream big dreams.
We explored the statement, ‘I CAN’ with the children, raising aspirations that they can achieve their goals. The children watched a clip about an 8 year old mathematician and had opportunities to discuss their future goals.
Most importantly, the children played together, recognising that they are more than their hair and can be all they want to be. Here are a few of the afro styles on display and the ‘I Can’ aspirations.
I can be…
- a lawyer because I want to make the bad guys pay for what they’ve done and earn a lot of money too.
- a teacher because my mum is a teacher and I love to help children. Also my gran was a teacher.
- a vet when I grow up because I really love animals and want to help them when they are in need.
- a show jumper and a Liverpool FC footballer and go to the Olympics.
- an engineer when I grow up because I can earn plenty of money whilst building houses, hotels and bridges.
- an author because it will help me to extend my vocabulary.
- a pilot because I have only been on a plane once.
- an Olympic champion!
- a mechanic
- a food critic, newspaper reporter, lawyer, author or YouTuber. My aspiration is to live a happy life.
- a world class gymnast and a gymnastics teacher.
- a dentist, especially for children – they sometimes get scared!
- an artist who only uses pencil.
- a worker with young children in day care.
- a police officer.
- a teacher in secondary school – teaching maths!
- a footballer and someone who designs trainers.
- a fashion designer.
- a doctor who specialises in children.
- a scientist to help stop any virus.
- an actor or a voice actor
I think this really sums it up, a confident quote shared today: “I don’t know what I want to be, but I do know I can be anything!”