St Michael's CE Primary School Blog


At St Michael’s our aim is to provide a rich curriculum and a wide range of opportunities that will build the habits of ambitious, capable learners. Here is an outline of what Y5 will be learning this summer term.


We will be developing the children’s reading comprehension skills by studying the book ‘There’s A Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’, using a whole class reading approach.

In writing, the children will be looking at a non-fiction ‘non-chronological information text’ (based on ‘The Sydenham Ridgeback’) . The children will also be reading ‘Icarus ‘ which is linked to their topic in Summer term II of Ancient Greece and writing some poetry too.


In addition to embedding the children’s mental maths skills, through our daily CLIC programme and BMBT (Big Maths Beat That), we are following the White Rose Maths curriculum, which covers the whole content of the National Curriculum. This term the focus will be:

  • Geometry – Properties of shapes
  • Geometry – Position and Direction
  • Measurement – Converting units
  • Measurement – Volume

The children should also know all their times tables off by heart.

TOPIC (History/Geography)

This term, the focus is History. The children will learn about ‘The Victorian Era’ while the second half-term will focus on ‘Ancient Greece’.

What do you know about the industrial revolution?



The aim of this unit is for children to develop their knowledge about changes that human beings experience as they develop to old age, which includes sensitive subjects such as puberty and death.  We want the children to learn about the life cycle of a human being and investigate the development of babies and compare the gestation period of humans and other animals.


The aim of this unit is for the children to learn about the process of reproduction and the life cycles of plants, mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. The children will explore reproduction in different plants, including different methods of pollination and asexual reproduction; learn about different types of mammals and their different life cycles; explore metamorphosis in insects and amphibians, compare their life cycles and explore the life cycle of birds.  

As a link to the geography unit of study about Africa, the children will learn about Jane Goodall and her work with the now-endangered chimpanzees in Africa.

Religious Education

In RE we learn about the 6 main religions in the world, and this term our focus is on Hinduism. Key Question: What are the main beliefs and practices in the Hindu faith?

We will also be dedicating some time to deepen our understanding of our school values of ‘Respect’, ‘Trust’ and ‘Peace‘.


The children’s PE slot is on a Wednesday. This half term the children will be focusing on ‘Athletics’. Please ensure your child is wearing the navy blue St. Michael’s tracksuit and it is labelled with their name. Alternatively, if your child does not have a school tracksuit, please ensure they bring their house colour t-shirt and jogging bottoms to change into for the lesson.


In music, the children will be participating in lessons exploring how music improves our world. The children will be learning to play a glockenspiel. They will continue learning chords and looking at how music can teach us about our community.

MFL (Modern Foreign Language)

The children will continue to learn Spanish, developing their skills in speaking and listening,


Computing this term will focus on sharing information and vector drawing. In this unit, the children will develop their understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices. They will consider small-scale systems as well as large-scale systems. They will explain the input, output, and process aspects of a variety of different real-world systems. The children will also take part in a collaborative online project with other class members and develop their skills in working together online. We will continually have a focus on e-safety weaved into the lessons.

HRE (Health and Relationship Education)

In HRE, the children will be exploring two themes: Relationships and Changing Me.

Creative Curriculum

As well as the above, the children will be engaged in art linked to various areas of the curriculum; developing a range of skills.

HOME learning

Home learning will include:

  • Mathletics (children’s login and password card is in their homework folder)
  • Weekly spelling words to learn (children will be tested on a Friday)
  • The children will also be given a fortnightly comprehension (written) task on a Monday, which must be completed and handed in two weeks later on Friday. The date for handing in will be written on their comprehension homework.

Children will be awarded DOJO points for completing their homework.

Stay in touch.

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If you wish to speak to us, please contact the school office via and we will be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Welcome to Y5

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