St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Giant swing anyone?

It’s a wet morning in Marchants Hill. Everyone woke up to the sound of the rain! Despite that, the children are ready for a day of adventure. Wellies and raincoats are out!

After breakfast it was all about archery and the giant swing. These activities encourage support and teamwork.

Ms Aldridge refused to leave until she got a bullseye – thank goodness she did!

Team work makes the dream work!

To enjoy the giant swing, you need to pull the rope to hoist the swing into the air.

Defying the elements!

… but all too soon, back down!

The sun is out – so are the smiles.

This afternoon it’s problem solving and the zip wire, then after dinner – splash. One child has commented, “I feel like we are not a class anymore, we are closer than that.” That is exactly what this experience is all about.

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