St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Year 6 are still going…

You might think that the children would be tired after a full day of travelling, trapeze and sensory trail, but oh no. Next came dinner and the campfire and they were still going strong.

The PGL School Adventure is all about motivation and challenge, building confidence and strengthening friendships. The Year 6 group are certainly doing that!

First – time to eat to renew energy.

Then the class were together as a group for campfire activities. It had to be built just right with tinder in the centre to get a good fire going!

Please note – the campfire experience is not complete without a few bags of marshmallows to toast!

There we have it – toasting marshmallows, campfire songs and lots of laughter.

Showered and ready for bed. The day always ends with a reflection and prayer.

Don’t tell the adults but something about those faces suggests they may not be ready for sleep yet! Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

First it was morning, then it was evening – the first day.

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