St Michael's CE Primary School Blog


Have you ever wondered whether Jesus performed miracles of healing or whether the healing occurred as a result of something else?

Year Five have been exploring the miracles Jesus performed – looking at Jesus the Healer. The miracles are divided into four categories:- Miracles of healing, control over nature, exorcism and resurrection. Can you name a miracle in each of these categories?

The exploration was done through retelling the stories, creating story boards, writing journals, writing newspaper reports, creating freeze frames, drawing up mind maps and inviting Deacon David (a member of the church community) to come and explain to them how they see the miracles performed by Jesus. The children looked forward to their learning every week – learning about some miracles they’d never heard about before! Here are some examples of their work.

Have you worked out which miracle this is?
Another Newspaper report – Have you guessed the miracle?
Deacon David – member of the church community – talking about his views regarding Jesus as the healer.

Have you ever wondered whether Jesus performed miracles of healing or whether the healing occurred as a result of something else?

How do friends enable or support healing?

Can you name a miracle in each of the following categories – miracles of healing, miracles of control over nature, miracles of exorcism and miracles of resurrection?

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