In our Health and Relationships sessions this term, Y4 have been focussing on our hopes dreams and goals for the future. It has been lovely hearing about the goals, dreams and aspirations children already have which include becoming professional musicians, actors, singers and football players. Children also explored their hopes for the world we live in and talked about living in harmony with others and caring for each other and the planet.
As part of our discussions we looked at different scenarios where dreams and goals may be difficult to achieve and how we can deal with disappointments and bounce back showing our resilience and perseverance. The idea of never giving up was reiterated again and again by the children as they talked through ideas and shared examples in their own lives where they have shown strength of character and taken on board some of the advice they gave to others, to help them deal with challenges and disappointments and keep moving forward.
Children enjoyed writing their ideas on thought clouds and sharing their words of advice and wisdom which they wrote on the wings of a dove.